Orielton helps public and private sector organisations in healthcare to innovate and to deliver more effectively in partnership, as well as to engage more closely with patients and the public.

For future healthcare systems to work they will need:
New and different ways of working together

Our future health system will need a much wider range of organisations to be involved, working much more closely together, and engaging with patients and the public in a more significant way. The future of integrated and place-based care depends on it, and we can help make these relationships effective.

Innovation and the support to make it happen

Real innovation will be needed, and it will have to be adopted quickly and at scale. We can offer the experienced support needed to help make this happen for Technology, your Workforce and the Infrastructure you use to deliver services.

How we help

We deliver practical support through The Network, a group of senior experts and practitioners, operating in a way that delivers the greatest level of experience and capability in the most cost effective way. It’s not one organisation seeking to deliver everything (although this can be offered if required), but access to a network of experienced professionals who know how to deliver new enterprises, new technologies, new partnerships, and engagement with patients and the public.

We help health care organisations to get the benefits of

The future for healthcare will be built on partnering between NHS organisations, between NHS and the wider public sector, and with the private sector. Orielton has particular strengths in helping bring these parties together, and in particular helping commercial and public service organisations work together.

Empowering and Enabling

Orielton brings the experience to enable organisations to get the best from their workforce, data and infrastructure by empowering their people. This will be critical to making future healthcare systems work by delivering new models such as integrated care systems.


Whether it be in methods of service delivery, or the introduction of new technology, innovation will be critical to future healthcare services, including designing and implementing service changes and technology adoption. We have a number of innovations services, and Neil Griffiths has spent his career focusing on innovation both in healthcare technology and services.

Engaging Patients and the Public

Innovation cannot succeed unless patients and users of services engage with it and recognise the benefits. Drawing on practical experience of patient support and engagement we can assist in involving patients and the public. Lise Griffiths has worked across healthcare, local government and the third sector with patients, volunteers and other interest groups.